By definition Brand is:
1) A class of goods identified by name as the product of a single firm or manufacturer
As an entrepreneur YOU are your brand. Often entrepreneurs will change, adapt or branch off different businesses in their career but the constant is themselves. An example of this would be Donald Trump. He started out as and still is a Real Estate Investor. During the course of his career he has also owned or still owns Trump Airlines, Trump Casinos, Trump Hotels, the Miss Universe Organization, Trump Financial, Trump University, WWE (for a few days if you believe wresting is real), The Apprentice Reality TV star and Trump Network his new network marketing company. Notice anything similar about those businesses? His name gives them credibility. Instant recognition because of the preconceived notions of the Trump Brand. This is what is important to learn because people will choose to invest in your product and/or business with YOU because YOU are what makes it unique. Your personality is what defines you. When they choose to invest in you they see success, answers and a connection. This has to be earned by gaining respect of you and your brand.
Brand yourself with authenticity. Do not brand yourself with what you think people are looking for. Nobody is perfect except me so get off my stage! OK clearly I'm kidding. I'm sitting here at my desk in my work out clothes I put on this morning (and have managed to avoid so far) with no make-up except yesterdays mascara smudged under my eyes, crazy hair and it is 12:15. If someone knocked on my door right now I would hide, unless they brought lunch. Ummm Oh Yes, Branding. Be who you are. You don't really have to "create" your brand so much as you have to accentuate the positive. You are you. The key is to really look at yourself and ask, what you bring to the table? What makes you unique? What people are you comfortable around and able to be yourself around?
Over the next couple of days look over the questions from part 1 of Savvy U Branding and the above questions. Put into three or four words what you are and in the part 3 we will narrow that down to a smaller niche. I don't want to come off as being totally self obsessed here so I won't list out what I went through when doing this step but if you are stuck and want a better understanding and examples please don't be shy and send me an email so we can talk about it
This is part 2 of a 6 part series that will be rolling out for Savvy U Branding. The next part, "Jack Of All Trades But Master Of None?", will focus on your niche or target market.
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